Carole joined Capital Cranfield Trustees in June 2018. She is a senior actuary who is committed to increasing good governance and transparency in the financial world; particularly around pension scheme funding and investment.

Carole’s work demonstrates a combination of creativity and professionalism. Her experience spans pensions, investment, insurance, corporate governance, financial risk management, private consultancy, project management, academia and the charity sector.

Carole uses her strong communication skills and logical thinking to bring the focus of risk management and good governance to all her work. Her varied experience means she can offer support on all the main areas of attention for the trustees such as actuarial, investment, insurance and risk management.

She has served as a member of council of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and as Deputy Leader of the Scottish Board of Actuaries.


“Carole has transformed the nature of the relationship between employer and Trustees since she assumed the role of Chair. She has approached a particularly complex set of challenges with a very structured and coherent plan for satisfactory resolution. She has driven significant progress on all matters, engaging in a very inclusive manner with employer and professional advisers to ensure that all actions have been completed in line with agreed timescales.”

Paddy Anderson