We are delighted to welcome Nicky Hardcastle and Bobby Riddaway to Capital Cranfield as Professional Trustees.
The full text of our press release follows below.
Capital Cranfield is pleased to announce the appointments of Nicky Hardcastle and Bobby Riddaway as Professional Trustees.
Hardcastle is a Yorkshire based Chartered Accountant who was previously Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Compliance at Nobia whose brands include Magnet kitchens. She brings more than a decade’s experience of chairing both Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution pension schemes.
Riddaway is a Bedfordshire based qualified actuary who specialised in investment consulting. He was formerly Head of Investment Consulting at Capita with earlier investment roles at Buck, AON and HSBC. He has served on and chaired numerous professional committees, including the Association of Consulting Actuaries Investment Committee and the Actuarial Professions Finance Board. Like Hardcastle he is a Sheffield University alumnus.
Manging Director Harus Rai commented: “We are delighted that Nicky and Bobby have chosen to build their Professional Trustee careers with us. Their very different professional backgrounds and experiences are both in demand from prospective clients and I sure that Nicky and Bobby will forge successful and enjoyable careers with us”.