Tova joined Capital Cranfield in 2011, having previously worked for a competitor professional trustee firm for nine years.

Tova works as one of the two trustees that we assign to each our sole trustee cases to ensure that material decisions are properly considered, advisers are challenged and there is consistency of governance, including clear audit trails, across our sole trustee portfolio. She has worked widely across DB, DC and hybrid benefit structures and has extensive experience of both on-going schemes and those approaching their ‘end game’.

Tova previously worked as a scheme secretary, involved in all aspects of the day to day running of schemes with a significant focus on governance issues, and gained Key Person with responsibility for leading the wind up of several schemes. She has excellent organisational and project management skills, with extensive industry experience and a focus on forging effective relationships with all stakeholders.

Tova is accredited as a Professional Trustee by the APPT and is an Associate of the Pensions Management Institute. She has a BA in American Studies from the University of Reading and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, having previously been a teacher before joining the pensions industry.